
2024 Summer travel led by ‘solo’ ‘quiet life travel’ trend in Pinterest report


As the search for the perfect summer vacation grows, more and more are looking for a place to escape the digital chaos that everyday life brings, according to a new report.

Forget visiting those hot and crowded trendy cities for your next summer trip and instead think about quiet and peaceful relaxation.

“In 2024, wellness travel will take over. As the hustle and bustle of everyday life takes its toll, travelers are seeking digital detoxes, solace in serene landscapes and rejuvenating experiences. Read the summer 2024 travel report from Pinterest.

“Say goodbye to crowded cities and hello to off-the-beaten-path destinations that promise tranquility and self-discovery.”

‘Calm life travel’ is the craze this year as people look for a ‘calmer and calmer lifestyle’, according to the new report.

“Say goodbye to crowded cities and hello to off-the-beaten-path destinations that promise tranquility and self-discovery.” rh2010 – Stock.adobe.com

This longing for simplicity has extended to travel, since last year, searches for “quiet places” and “quiet places” have increased by 50% and 42%, respectively, Pinterest search data found.

The travel report found that “soothing living” gained 530% more interest this year than in 2023 as users need a digital detox filled with nature destinations.

Many who are interested in the “quiet life” want to do it themselves as “solo travel” has also been on the top of the travel trends.

Many who are interested in the “quiet life” want to do it themselves as “solo travel” has also been on the top of the travel trends. bang wrp – Stock.adobe.com

“Solo travel is emerging as a liberating option, giving individuals the freedom to shape their itinerary, pace and priorities without compromise.

“Whether basking on a secluded beach or strolling through a peaceful rural landscape, these experiences contribute to self-care and overall well-being.”

Besides searching for “laid-back travel,” Pinterest users also searched for “travel diary,” “luxury aesthetic,” and “wellness retreat.”

A prospective “quiet life” itinerary could include forest walks, island life, village atmosphere, cabins in the woods, national parks and the countryside.

The best places to achieve a much-needed digital reset include the Japanese city of Okinawa and the English countryside.

Other travel ideas with higher search traffic on Pinterest include “adventure travel” and “mysterious places.”

Thrill-seeking adventurers have shown interest in luxury safaris, mountaineering, diving and caving. Bozorin – Stock.adobe.com

Thrill-seeking adventurers have shown interest in luxury safaris, mountaineering, diving and caving.

“It is a testament to the search for joy, reconnecting with nature, and unplugging from the mundane – a collective longing for experiences that offer an adrenaline rush, immersion in nature, and an uplift of the spirit.

“Achieving goals in adventurous environments can enhance feelings of accomplishment and empowerment,” the report said.

Meanwhile, haunted, lost and abandoned cities and places were the top trends for those searching for wonders.

“Venturing deep into ancient cities or discovering forgotten worlds becomes a daring journey, transcending boundaries and revealing profound truths about oneself and the world.”

The travel report found that “London lifestyle”, “South African food” and “Santorini party” were found as the most popular destinations and interests.

Travel experts recently revealed that the majority of Americans are Planning a road trip This summer begins Memorial Day weekend.

A prospective “quiet life” itinerary could include forest walks, island life, village atmosphere, cabins in the woods, national parks and the countryside. Pera – Stock.adobe.com

The anonymous poll conducted by The Vacationer asked more than 1,000 American adults if and how they plan to travel this summer, with nearly 82% of Americans planning to travel this summer, which would be more than 212 million adults throughout the season.

Seventy-five percent of Americans plan to take at least one road trip this summer, most of them driving somewhere within 100 miles of their homes.

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